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Physical Therapy

Improve Your Health and Quality of Life


Physical Therapy

At Elite, we use a combination of functional exercise and manual therapy to help patients reach their mobility goals, increase their independence, and achieve pain management for a better quality of life.


Pursuing Wellness Through Physical Therapy

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Health and Wellness

Our physical therapists use a combination of therapeutic exercise, physical modalities (including ultrasound and electrotherapy), manual techniques, assistive devices, and patient education and training to achieve the patients’ goals.

We provide only the best therapeutic intervention with our staff of highly educated health care providers. Each holds an advanced 3-year degree from an accredited physical therapy program and has successfully completed the national licensure exam.


How We Can Help

Each patient is thoroughly examined to determine the root cause of their pain or movement problem. Through direct, one-on-one patient care and treatment plans are tailored to each individual patient to maximize treatment outcomes. We offer physical therapy for various orthopedic conditions, sports-related injuries, including:


Cathy Curran

Doctor of physical therapy.

Book a physical therapy appointment

Our qualified physical therapists look forward to helping you improve your overall health and quality of life. To get started, please book a session below. Please fill in the contact form below or give us a call on 847-748-8804 to schedule an appointment.

    Virtual Consultations Available!