Massage Therapy
Massage therapy works to improve a person’s well-being and function through manipulating muscles, skin, and fascia with the aim of improving stability, mobility, and flexibility.
In certain cases it is also used to reduce nerve compression and entrapment and to improve circulation. At Elite, massage therapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments or as a stand-alone intervention to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness.

Massage Therapy for Health and Wellness
Massage therapy is helpful for:
Reducing Stress
Our fast-paced lives tend to lead to the build-up of stress and tension, which is often stored in the back and neck. This tension, through manual manipulation of the muscles and tissues, can be relieved during a massage.
Improving circulation
Working to loosen tight muscles and tendons promotes increased blood flow throughout the body and can have a number of additional benefits, including increased energy and relief from pain.
Reducing Pain
Chronic stiffness and problem areas such as the lower back can be worked on during a massage to target the source of the pain and increase mobility in the affected area.
Eliminating Toxins
Through the manipulation of soft tissues, toxins are released into your blood and lymphatic systems and eliminated by the body.
Improving Flexibility
Massage therapy helps to relax muscles, release spasms, and reduce inflammation helping your body to regain its full range of movement.
Improving Sleep Quality
By promoting relaxation and releasing endorphins that act to boost your mood, amassage helps to improve your ability to go to sleep and stay asleep.
Enhancing Your Immune Response
The stimulation of your body’s lymph nodes and the elimination of toxins work tore-charge and strength your body’s natural defense system.
More Energy
Massage therapy boosts your mood, and promotes better sleep, which has the additional benefit of leaving you feeling rested, relaxed with more energy to tackle the day.
Reducing Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety
Massage therapy uses pressure to relieve tension in affected areas of the body. The deep pressure helps with proprioception, which helps to calm the mind. It also releases endorphins into the body, which help you to feel energized, happy and at ease.
Promoting post-surgery and post-injury recovery
Massage therapy is an excellent complementary therapy for sports injury or post-surgery rehabilitation.
A Massage Session Tailored to Your Needs
During your appointment, your massage therapist will take a medical history and, in conversation with you, seek to identify problem areas. Then the massage will begin and will be conducted according your specific needs and requirements.